March 28th, 2024 -
December 19th, 2025
Grimm Gallery
We the People, while only the first three words of the US Constitution, set into motion the radical idea that the power of the nation comes from those who represent it - its citizens. Today, those same three words still echo from sea to shining sea as a reminder of the very democracy it put forth almost 250 years ago. Yet, despite the great expansion of democracy over time, one question has continued to face generations of Americans:
who has the right to vote?
Here in Rensselaer County, the story of voting and democracy has mirrored that of the nation’s - ever-evolving, dynamic, and inclusive even in its exclusivity. In fact, many of the issues that gripped the country, were issues facing our own communities across the region. From the anti-rent wars to the fierce abolitionist movement and from red lining to election fraud, Rensselaer County has a rich and colorful history with voting and democracy: forged only by We the People.
This exhibition hopes to illuminate the intricacies of voting, democracy, and their interwoven legacies throughout Rensselaer County, in both the past and present, and further aims to inspire conversation and dialogue on the issues that continue to impact us today.