National History Day
Teachers— we’re here to support you! Contact the museum to schedule a workshop at the museum or in your classroom.
Are you competing? The Hart Cluett Museum’s research library and education team are available to help individuals and classes with their projects! Our research library offers free appointments for students.
Levels of Competition & Important Dates
Students first compete in their regional history day.
Visit the New York State Museum’s website to learn more and register online.
Students awarded first and second place in each category of their regional competition advance to the state contest.
Contest registration for students advancing after their regional history day contest opens March 30, 2025 and closes April 13, 2025.
Visit the New York State History Day website to register and learn more.
Students advancing to the National Contest, registration opens on a date TBD. The contest takes place June 8-12 at the University of Maryland, College Park.
For registration and more information visit the National Contest website.