From the Director

Over the past few months, I traveled to Colorado to care for my mother before she passed away. She was not able to speak so, I sat next to her sharing remembrances of childhood camping trips, dirtbike racing victories, and silly stunts spurred on by my brother. I also shared older stories that my grandmother recounted as we prepared family meals. My mother's eyes conveyed her delight and appreciation. She was at peace and filled with fond memories. 

As we approach the warmer months, Mother's Day, Father's Day, graduation parties, and family picnics, I encourage each of you to share a few of your favorite stories. Tell your younger cousins or your children and grandchildren what it was like to be a teenager, to succeed, fail, learn and grow. Take the time to share that story about an epic trip or that terrifying first day on the job. Your stories are important and they will sustain and inspire your family and friends.

The Hart Cluett Museum with its repository of archives and material culture acts as the steward of our collective memory and we are still gathering stories about the pandemic. If you have a Rensselaer County pandemic story that you would like to share, you can do that here

Our stories will outlive us and inspire and educate others with lasting positive benefits for many generations to come. 




Starlyn D'Angelo,
Executive Director
Hart Cluett Museum
Historic Rensselaer County
Pronouns: she/her