Celebrating Stacy Pomeroy Draper

Read more about Stacy’s success as Curator

Ken Crowe of the Times Union highlights the Stacy Pomeroy Draper’s 43 years of service. Click on the image to read full article.

Join us to share stories and fond remembrances of Stacy Pomeroy Draper's 43 years of exemplary service as Curator

We will begin 2022 with an online celebration of our dear friend and distinguished curator in honor of her 43 years of dedicated service to the Museum, Rensselaer County, and beyond.

Please join us Thursday January 20th at 7pm via Zoom to hear lively stories and fond remembrances of Stacy's adventures in collecting, connoisseurship, and community building while serving as curator of the Rensselaer County Historical Society

Please follow this link to register for this free event: tinyurl.com/3j6zdde6.