Help Support HCM!

There’s still time to make a year-end gift to support the Hart Cluett Museum as we bid farewell to this unforgettable year.

Here at HCM we have been doing all we can to record 2020 for posterity - the pandemic, politics, social upheaval, and financial swings that all have marked this tumultuous year. And of course we are still actively sharing this region’s proud legacy of transformative history through exhibitions, programs, tours, and access to our research library.

The work we do of capturing and presenting history is only possible because of the generous support of people like you. This is a particularly challenging year for us, as COVID-19 restrictions limit our ability to host our traditional classes, events, and fundraisers. Now more than ever, your gift will make an impact. And through December 31, 2020, the CARES (Coronavirus Aid Relief and Economic Security) Act allows for an additional $300 charitable deduction for cash gifts for non-profits, including the Hart Cluett, if you take the standard deduction.

Head to to make your year-end gift today!

Thank you for your friendship and support. We look forward to seeing you in person in 2021!